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Office: 715-536-8600
Cell: 920-540-6086

Customer Testimonials

The units are amazing, your ability to size the units so close allows us to hone in to the best efficiency of the engine, “Your units are near an engine/governor.”

Tim A.

Minneapolis, MN

We are impressed, a unit just came back after 8 years in service. “The units just run and run, the engine control simply turns it on when needed.”

Vandim R.

Moscow, Russia

When we spec equipment it needs to be rugged and reliable for offshore drilling. The Dynamic Heat Generator meets the demands that a lot of people just can’t understand. Your DHG’s are the best of the best. The “industry standard” for a reason--“because they work”.

Jose M.

Gulf of Mexico, Mexico

Your units are very robust and work well. We wish other products would work like yours.

Horby Lui

Beijing, China

Offshore drilling is literal another world, when you have problems out here you are alone. Quickly you learn what you can trust for products and materials. We have high confidents in the DHG’s because they simply run without problems.

Dave M.

Baton Rouge, LA


Since the units create heat by shearing the fluid, there are no ignition zones or flames involved in the system, making the DHG an intrinsically safe unit. Since none of the DHG models emit exhaust, flame or fume, there are zero emissions. The DHG is a model of “Green Technology” with this inherent trait.

Effeciencies - Operation

When operated in their designed RPM range, the overall efficiencies of the unit exceed 95%. The heater’s pocket design is self-cleaning, as most fluids polish the internal surfaces. This trait allows the heater to maintain its high level of efficiency for a long period of time.

Control of the heat output can be accomplished in different methods. A units input rotation may be turned on/off, or operated at a reduced input speed or if the circuit allows, operated without fluid. Yes, it’s a neat concept, “run it dry”. Since the unit makes heat by shearing fluid, if the fluid is removed no heat is produced. The unit just sits and spins (model dependent).