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Cogeneration has been achieved in the waste water plants and oil fields by gathering waste heat from the water jacket and exhaust. Simultaneously heat can be obtained by driving the DHG as a third heat source. Once a heating task is completed, the DHG can be declutched or run without fluid (special models) to allow for alternate drive for power generation (generator), hydraulic power, mixers, or other equipment to be operated.

Cogeneration has utilized gaseous engines (methane or alternate dirty gasses) to again take advantage of the waste heat from the engine both on a continuous or intermittent basis. The heat generation has been used to maintain temperature of the process fluid, allowing for continual nitrate process in marginal temperatures.

Pharmaceutical manufacturers have found interest in the electric motor driven DHGs, using the heat to process waste water or tailing solution prior to sending to local waste water plants. By processing prior to release, the cost of the waste water is significantly reduced--this saves money and energy.